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The Islamic republic of Pakistan came into being as an independent sovereign state on 14th August 1947, as a result of the division of former British India. It lies between 23-35 to 37- 05 north latitude and 60-50 to 77- 50 east longitude touching the Hindukush Mountains in the north and extending from the Pamirs tothe Arabian SeaPakistan covers 796,095 with a population of 132.35 million according to population census 1998. It is divided into four provinces:                                       


Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa
Gilgit Baltistan
Azad Kashmir
Pakistan is a unique land

Pakistan is a unique land! Situated in heart of south Asian sub-continent, it is a country with rich history and cultural heritage; fascinating in its own right.Pakistan was the home to one of the world’s earliest human settlements, the great prehistoric Indus Valley Civilization, the crucible of ancient empires, religions and cultures. Strategically situated at the historical cross roads, it links Southeast Asia with Middle East and Iran in the West, and provides an access to the landlocked Afghanistan and Central Asian states. This land is a witness to vicissitudes of history and civilization with profound effects on its people, their language and culture.
 Pakistan is located between 24 and 37 degrees Latitude and between 61 and 75.5 degrees Longitude. It is surrounded by China in the North, Afghanistan and Iran in the West and India in the East. Arabian Sea lies to its South with 1000 KM long coastline with captivating beaches. Pakistan is linked with China through land by Karakoram Highway along the great Silk Route while it is linked with India by air and rail. Afghanistan and Iran are linked with Pakistan by air and road.

Nature has blessed Pakistan with unique landscape, the high mountains, plateau, plains, deserts and the luring sunny beaches are all found here. However, more than fifty percent of its area is mountainous, particularly its Northern and North Western regions which posses the most fascinating mountains on earth. Magnificent wreckage of continents in collision, fifty millions years ago, an immense island collided with mainland Asia to create the South Asian Sub-continent and push the Himalayas skyward. The mighty ranges, Karakoram, the Himalayas and the Hindukush make a rendezvous here. Found in these lofty ranges are the mountains of awesome heights,valleys of unsurpassable beauty, dotted with serene lakes of crystal clear blue water, through which flow murmuring streams and springs, and thundering rivers, above all the lion river-mighty Indus.
Pakistan’s main river, 2896 kms. long mighty Indus emanates in Southern Tibet and flows North West. Cutting through the Karakoram and Himalayas, it passes through Ladakh and Skardu valleys. It turns Southward near Gilgit, separating Hindukush and Himalayas. It flows Southward from Kalabagh and after meandering through the plains of Punjab and Sindh disgorges its waters into the Arabian Sea, near Karachi. It’s four tributaries, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej Rivers drain the plains of Punjab from East to Southwest before joining the mighty Indus. There are number of small roaring rivers, especially in the mountainous areas, which also drain into the Indus River.
Pakistan traces its history back to at least 2,500 years before Christ, when a highly developed civilization flourished in the Indus valley area. Excavation at HarrapaMoenjodaro and Kot Diji have brought to light the evidence of an advanced civilization, exisiting even in most ancient times. Around 1,500 BC the Arayans overwhelmed this region, by and by, influenced the Hindu civilization, whose centre moved to the Ganges valley, further to the East. Later, the Persians occupied the Northern regions in the 5th century, up to the 2nd Century AD. There are several stupas and monasteries of the Ghandara civilization which date back from 6th century when it formed part of the Achaemenid Empires of Persia (518 to 330 BC). The Greeks came in 327 BC under Alexander the Great from Mecedonia. Since then it remained under the successive domination of the Mauryans, the Bactrian Greeks, Scythians, Parthians, Kushanas and Sasanians, till its final destruction by the White Huns in the 5th century AD. In 712 AD the Arabs led by Mohammad Bin Qasim, landed in the Southern coast near Karachi and ruled the lower parts of Pakistan for two hundred years. During this period Islam took to the roots and influenced the life, culture and traditions of the people.
In the tenth Century AD began the systematic conquest of the South Asian sub-continent by the Muslims from Central Asia who ruled almost whole of the Sub-continent till 18th Century, When British took over reins and ruled the Sub-continent for almost two hundred years. The Muslims revival began towards the end of the last Century when Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, a renowned Muslims leader and educationist, launched a movement for the renaissance of the Muslims of the Sub-continent. In 1930, the well-known poet-philosopher Allama Iqbal conceived the idea of a separate home land for the Muslims of the Sub-continent. In 1940, a resolution was adopted by All-India Muslim League demanding an independent homeland for the Muslims of India. After seven years of untiring struggle under the brilliant leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan emerged on the map of the world as a sovereign state on 14th August 1947,When the British India was partitioned into two sovereign states-India and Pakistan.
Pakistan is an Islamic Republic with its capital at Islamabad. Pakistan has four provinces; Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Balochistan, Punjab and Sindh. Their respective capitals are Peshawar, Quetta, Lahore and Karachi. In addition to the provinces are the Federally Administered Northern Areas which comprises districts of Diamer, Gaunche, Ghizer, Gilgit and Skardu. In addition there are seven Federally Administered Tribal Areas. The total area of Pakistan is 796,095, whereas its population is 135.28 million (1996 estimate). Major cities are, the seaport Karachi (10 million), Lahore (5.5 million), Faisalabad (2 million), Rawalpindi (0.928 million), Hyderabad (0.8 million) and Islamabad (0.340 million). The population growth rate is estimated at 2.8% per annum. Main population is Muslims (97%). Other population is Hindu (1.5%) and Christian (1%) besides several other minorities. The national language is Urdu, whereas English is used as the official language. Other main regional languages are Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi and Pushto.
Pakistan has a federal structure. Parliament consists of the Lower House (National Assembly) and the Upper House (Senate). Members of the National Assembly are directly elected on adult franchise basis and their term of office is 5 years. The National Assembly determines the major policy issues and passes annual budget and legislation. It elects the Prime Minister from among its members. The Prime Minister forms his/her cabinet from among members of the Assembly and the Senate. Provinces have their own elected legislative assemblies and Chief Ministers. Majority of the member of the Upper House are elected by the Provincial Assemblies.
The richness of history and cultural heritage, varied landscape ranging from the warm sea beaches to deserts and alluvial plains, and the natural endowment of the high mountain ranges in the world, makes Pakistan a natural destination for tourists with varied interests. You may be wanting to learn from the treasures of the archaeological sites, relax at the warm beaches, enjoy the local traditions and hospitality, or the folk lures and dances, trek in the solitude of high mountains or are compelled to climb them; all can be found in one country-Pakistan Welcome to your destination.