March 18, 2025 Menu


Watch as this short film (at the bottom) so eloquently frames a picture of just how rushing to judgment without knowing all the facts can show how wrong someone can be. If you don’t understand what I mean, I’ll give a real world example how this is similar to how United States President Obama and house democrats want to take from the working man and give more and more to those who don’t work and rather just wait for and expect a hand out from everything from housing to food to money, cell phones, healthcare, you name it there are already a lot of these programs in place. We should be cutting back on such programs as most were originally meant for people truly in need and only as a temporary form of assistance. This only goes to show how offering such “assistance” over the long term and as a permanent “ benefit ” kill the will or need or sense of urgency for anyone to want to work in exchange for better government support and charity. I also fear what is happening behind the scenes as the driving force and untold agendas the politicians promoting such services are vying for. “Those willing to give up Liberty in exchange for Safety, will have neither.” - Derived from a quote from Benjamin Franklin Does anyone else see a similarities and just how a good intention can do more damage than good if not closely monitored and closely scrutinized?
