March 17, 2025 11:47:07 PM Menu


These People Misguide Other People from Islam It is important to distinguish sometimes between theory and how it is put into practice. Theory (such as the madhhab one follows and its rulings) should not be contradicted by one’s practice, but the latter sometimes needs to be characterized by wisdom, without compromising one’s principles and beliefs. As such, the theory is that in the Hanafi school, it is prohibitively disliked (makruh tahriman) for women to pray in congregation on their own. The reasons, if one thinks about it, are obvious: it would lead women to think that doing so is superior (because it is like what the men do, and they’ll have heard about the reward for praying in congregation, etc), while the reality is that this is difficult for women, especially women with families and children and limited mobility; also, it is not established to have been the practice of the female Companions of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).